Singer India awards its digital duties to iCubesWire

iCubesWire has bagged the digital mandate of Singer India Limited, a leading manufacturer & seller of sewing machines and home appliances. The agency will be responsible for handling 360-degree digital marketing for the brand which includes social media platforms, website maintenance, SEO and media buying. iCubesWire won the mandate post a multi-agency bid.

Commenting on the association, Mr. Rajeev Bajaj, Managing Director, Singer India, says, “We chose iCubesWire as our digital partners as their strategies were distinct and focused on enhancing brand integration. We have a strong foothold in the sewing machines segment and aim to elaborate that to the home and kitchen appliances as well. To foster this thought, we plan to increase our market share in consumer durable segment with a CAGR of ~25%. With iCubesWire’s digital quotient, we anticipate efficacious results.”

On acquiring the prestigious account, Sahil Chopra, Founder & CEO, iCubesWire, says, “We are excited to work with Singer India and our efforts will be towards creating long-term engagements for the brand through innovative campaigns. We aim to maximize growth for Singer India in terms of reach and consumer engagement. Singer India wants to carry forward their legacy to the digital platform, and we are proud to associate with them in fulfilling their objective.”
