National Conference on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) held here under aegis of PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry has recommended to the government that institutional mechanism is called for protection of IPRs in the absence of which remains the scope of piracy that goes on unabated.
In addition, the Conference also suggested that focus needs to be intensified for monetization of intellectual properties discovered and invented in universities and research institutions with their thick partnership with industry and industrial associations in the shape of final products with key element of innovation in it.
It was highlighted during the conference that a vast majority of academic institutions and universities do not have IPR Cell for patenting the innovations and therefore, such cells are need of hour to protect and patent the properties for their commercial launch and gains.
The aforesaid recommendations were mooted by panel of experts that participated in the inaugural session of the conference such as Mr. Amit Gupta, Chairman-Education Committee, PHD Chamber; Prof. (Dr.) Rekha Chaturvedi, DIPP IPR Chair, Cluster Innovation Centre, University of Delhi; Mr. Renaud GAILLARD, Counsellor for Intellectual Property India & South Asia, Embassy of France in India and Dr. Jatinder Singh, Sr. Secretary, PHD Chamber.
In his observations, Mr. Gupta emphasized that intellectual properties created by academia are pirated by vested interest and sold off less than half a price of theirs which leads to discouragement and disappointments.
Therefore, in the National IPR Policy should have regulations bend in favour of those that discover and create intellectual properties with their innovative spirits.
Dr. Chaturvedi in her presentation endorsed what Mr. Gupta advised further emphasizing closer academic and industry partnership for proper commercialization and monetization of intellectual properties.
Mr. Renaud Gaillard also stressed that the innovation happening in India and within its academics and research institutions should also be promoted with a collaborative approach between India and France.
Prof. Prabuddha Ganguli, IPR Chair, Tezpur University stressed on the role of sensitizing students in the IRP ecosystem. The pace of technology is changing the landscape of IPR in a vibrant manner, so academia and industry should create institutional linkages for the progression of IPR in India.
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