GenNext Hub and Invest Ottawa partner for building a bridge between the Indian and Canadian startup ecosystem

enNext Hub, a Reliance Industries Ltd. backed startup program headquartered in Mumbai, entered into a partnership with Invest Ottawa for creating a bridge to engage innovative startups from India and Canada. The spirit of the partnership and collaboration is captured and signified through an MoU, which includes co-branding, events invitation and information sharing. The 2-year MoU was signed in Mumbai by Mr. Rajan Luthra on behalf of GenNext Investment Advisors LLP and Mr. Bruce Lazenby, President & CEO, Invest Ottawa, in the presence of Mayor of City of Ottawa  Jim Watson, Canadian Consul General in Mumbai Mr. Jordan Reeves, other guests and dignitaries.

Invest Ottawa will scout, evaluate and nominate selected startups from Canada for:

·         Proof of Concept (PoC) focused programs with the Reliance Business Units across selected themes (Logistics, Security, Network)
·         To participate in the GenNext Hub Startup Accelerator Program
·         Connect with ecosystem partners in Canada and USA. This could include:
·         Incubators/Accelerators, Academia, Corporates, Investor Community, Industry Bodies, Mentors, Thought Leaders and Subject Matter Experts, etc.
·         Facilitate a startup exchange program taking the GIH startups to Canada
·         Startups selected by the Invest Ottawa with products/services relevant for the North American markets
·         Provide networking and logistical support for the startups
·         Enable travel for GenNext Hub startups and team members to Canada for developing in-roads into the Canadian ecosystem.
