CA Technologies claims to earn top marks in 2016 Corporate Equality Index

CA Technologies announced that it received a perfect score of 100 percent on the 2016 Corporate Equality Index (CEI), a national benchmarking survey and report on corporate policies and practices related to LGBT workplace equality, administered by the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) Foundation.  CA joins the ranks of 391 major U.S. businesses which also earned top marks this year.

“We are honored to once again to receive a 100% rating,” said Beth Conway, Vice President, Human Resources. “We know that diversity of perspective, experience and thought are imperative to driving better business outcomes. From our inclusive work culture to our progressive benefits and policies, CA is a committed champion and advocate of the LGBT community.”

The 2016 CEI rated 1,024 businesses in the report, which evaluates LGBT-related policies and practices including non-discrimination workplace protections, domestic partner benefits, transgender-inclusive health care benefits, competency programs, and public engagement with the LGBT community. CA’s efforts in satisfying all of the CEI’s criteria results in a 100 percent ranking and the designation as a Best Place to Work for LGBT Equality.

CA supports its LGBT employees with programs, policies and benefits that include:

•          Participation in the HRC’s Employee Nondiscrimination Act Business Coalition to advocate for LGBT workplace equality; 

•          Hosting of an LGBT Inclusion Team to foster diversity and allow employees to share information, recognize achievements and interact with fellow employees;

•          Offering health insurance plans which afford coverage for transgender surgery including the full range of medically necessary services and treatments as outlined by the current World Professional Associate for Transgender Health Standards of Care;

•          Providing full healthcare benefits for domestic partners and adoption assistance up to $10,000 for all employees;

•          Supporting the LGBT lunch at the Anita Borg Institute’s Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing Conference for the last 5 years:

•          Prohibiting philanthropic giving to non-religious organizations that have a written policy of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and/ or gender identity;

•          Engaging in targeted recruiting efforts to the LGBT community every year with organizations like The San Francisco Community Center and LGBT Center in NYC;

•          Requiring US contractors to abide by our inclusive non-discrimination policy

For more information on the 2016 Corporate Equality Index, or to download a free copy of the report, visit

The HRC is America’s largest civil rights organization working to achieve lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender equality. HRC strives to end discrimination against LGBT citizens and realize a nation that achieves fundamental fairness and equality for all.
