Nitin Gadkari launches Construction Mandi, Exclusively for the Construction Industry

Minister of Road Transport and Highway Nitin Gadakri launched a new web portal The Construction Platform is a product of Walman Group, which provides a digital online platform for B2B interaction connecting Developers, Builders, Contractors, and Architects with manufacturers and suppliers.

The online platform,, offers quick and easy access to essential information on large database of suppliers, material and product rates, new Technology,market trend and competition across Major Cities in India. skillfully sails on the Skill and Experience of Well-known Senior Technocrats and combines it with Young Professionals to form a virtual Dedicated Construction Environment.

The new B2B Dedicated Portal for construction will Help Developers, Suppliers, vendors, contractors solve their bulk-purchasing worries. The web portal boasts a modern, innovative design and is divided into several categories: Construction materials such as Cement, Reinforcement Steel, Sand, Aggregates Bricks Tiles etc. In addition to Construction Materials, the online platform covers information regarding Plant and Equipment, MEP Services and all other Construction Related Resources.

The website’s user friendly nature provides users with more efficient access to the information. The web portal provide large number of benefits for manufactures/vendors/suppliers like digital space available for marketing products, access to large number of users groups including developers, contractors and End Users, generate direct business enquiries and leads from the buyers.
Addressing the event J.K Sharma, chairman Walman Group said “with this new Dedicated Construction web portal we hope to provide a virtual environment for the entire construction community and offer a way to provide unlimited access of database of construction materials, equipments and machinery and by acting as a bridge between the users and the suppliersthis will help mid and large businesses boost their channels of sales and distribution. This virtual platform will also encourage and support Individuals and new Entrepreneurs who are willing into the Construction Sector.

Road and Transport Minister Mr. Nitin Gadakriji said “this web portal will be beneficial for the construction industry. This portal will not only save time but will also improve quality and performance thereby reducing cost, through this portal anyone can access new products and technology in the market by a single click. This will ultimately give rise to employment opportunities thereby leading to economic growth.”
