10 Tips to Become Shark in Your Own Industry

Be a trendsetter
Build a simple model around your ideas and spread them to be referenced and to be built upon new ideas. Being a trendsetter is always surreal than being a follower. Get all the necessary skills required for your industry and put them into a direction that is perfection. Always remember, trendsetters not only come up with ideas, they also act on them.

Build a powerful network
Aim to build a smaller network of professionals who truly know you, trust you, and believe in your mission. Networking and business go hand in hand, as both demands a great deal of presentation and communication skills. Even committing to one networking lunch a week will keep your social capital strong.

Become a Communicator
Speaking is good opportunity to establish yourself as an expert—so accept every chance you are given to present. It is ideal if clients and customers actually hear you speak, but it is just as nearly beneficial if people know you regularly speak on your industry topics.

Learn important things in your industry
Try to get an eye on what is currently on the minds of the industry leaders. You should understand and adopt the opinion of the leaders and refine your approach to become an initiator. You should be adept on the trend and response of the market and industry.

Observe your competitors

Sometimes you will want to zig when others zag, but looking to see what your competitors are doing can sometimes help you figure out if they`re responding to what you see as an emerging trend. Though you may sometimes be unable to decipher the method to their madness, it cannot hurt to take a look.

Turn work into play
Work that comes from your areas of expertise and your passions will be more enjoyable. When you are able to follow your instincts, ideas flow from you organically. In addition, when you love your work, problems become opportunities to spend time with your passions, and your workplace becomes your playground. Freedom and enjoyment will make you happier, more fulfilled, more confident, more energetic, and more productive.

Appreciate what you lack
When you are working from your strengths, you also become aware of the aspects of your business that you are not so skilled at or do not enjoy doing. It is important to recognize where your experience fall short, spot the learning curve, and be able to delegate or collaborate to solve the problem. That way, you can stay focused on doing what you most enjoy--and that plays to your strengths.

Individualize your brand
Building a winning brand is all about differentiating yourself from the competition. However, how can you differentiate yourself when you are not being true to your unique strengths? Allowing your own individuality to shine through and shape your work will help your brand story stand out in a big way.

Collaborate powerfully
The only way to achieve powerful collaboration is to know the strengths and passions of everyone involved. If you stay true to your strengths and capitalize on them, you empower your team and colleagues to do the same. What's more, you enable yourself to find other employees with complementary skills. That way, your project can be fuelled by expertise and passion, not compromise.

Tell the world

Once you know who you are and identify and claim it, you will find that expressing that identity becomes easier. You will feel more genuinely connected to those around you because you are coming from a clear and energized place where you share what you do with others. Things like social media, networking, and interviews will become more enjoyable and effective because every word you put out will be authentic and meaningful.
