Mango Man Consumer Electronics announced the launch of Teewe 2, the upgraded version of their HDMI media streaming dongle. Pre-orders for Teewe 2 will be available on, priced at INR 2,399/- and the device will be exclusively available on, starting May 25th, 2015.
Mango Man today also announced a partnership with ErosNow, the online entertainment arm of Bollywood studio Eros International. Through this partnership, Teewe users will get 2 months of free ErosNow premium subscription that will include its extensive catalogue of Indian entertainment that can now be viewed on television with Teewe. This partnership is expected to go live soon.
Mango Man also announced a partnership with Airtel Broadband where customers ordering Teewe devices will be provided 20 GB per month of free data for 3 consecutive months, a combined data package of 60 GB. This is to enable customers to freely experience the device without data limit as a barrier.
Customers pre-ordering Teewe 2 now, get an extended year’s warranty on the device along with the data services.
Sai Srinivas, CEO, Teewe, said, "We are very excited to launch the next version of Teewe with upgraded hardware for a better overall experience. Through this device, the customer can take advantage of the largest screen in the house to display and share his/her personalized content, be it from the internet or from his/her device. We are also thrilled to partner with Eros to bring its wide selection of premium Indian content."
Samir Kumar, Director Category Management, Amazon India, said, "We are happy to be the partner of choice for ‘Teewe’ and offer our customers the opportunity to be the first to purchase the new Teewe 2. We are witnessing a significant demand for Streaming Media players on and we see this as a great opportunity to offer customers across India the ease, convenience & joy of shopping for a great product,” said Samir Kumar, Director Category Management, Amazon India."
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