NSDC and AskMe join hands to enhance employability of youth

AskMe, a consumer Internet Company and National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) entered into a significant partnership to enhance skilling and employability of youth across India. Through this partnership AskMe aims to support youth aspiring to build successful careers through training programs conducted by NSDC partners across India. For this, an agreement was signed by Mr. Dilip Chenoy, MD & CEO – NSDC and Mr Naveen Luthra, VP – Group Strategic Alliances, AskMe.

Under this partnership, AskMe will list all NSDC authorized training centers across the country, operating under Public Private Partnership model, on Askme.com. These listings will enable youth to locate a training center in their close vicinity and reach out to them and acquiring new skills in the sector/ job role they are interested in. The training will be imparted across various sectors like leather goods, manufacturing, automobiles, finance, healthcare, electronics, handloom and handicrafts, software etc.

AskMe FREEADS will update the records of more than 40,000 people trained by NSDC on their website in order to help prospective employer find skilled manpower across various sectors. This will allow trained youth to have their details uploaded on the net in a seamless manner. This is a major step forward for AskMe in strengthening the various initiatives by NSDC to promote greater skills and knowledge among the youth.

Speaking on this significant partnership Mr. Naveen Luthra, VP - Group Strategic Alliances, AskMe said, “We view this partnership as an important step towards skilling Indian youth, through the power of search, using web, mobile and voice platforms. This partnership will give us an opportunity to reach out to a vast audience whose need for skill development has largely remained unaddressed. We believe that together with NSDC, we will be able to address the industry requirement of skilled work force across India.”

Commenting on this initiative Mr. Dilip Chenoy, MD & CEO, NSDC said, “NSDC is working closely with varied domain experts to build a complete ecosystem for certified skilled workforce in India and make their quality services available to as many individuals and groups as possible. Our partnership with AskMe is yet another initiative towards our vision to skill India’s youth from semi-urban and rural areas for the global needs. We believe that this partnership will be an excellent amalgamation of AskMe’s strong network and our offering in the space of skill development.”

As per a study conducted by IMaCS (the management consulting arm of rating agency ICRA) on behalf of the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), India is likely to have an incremental requirement of 247 million people by 2022 in 20 high growth sectors. Although India is witnessing unprecedented economic growth, we are faced with the daunting challenge of addressing the ever-increasing ‘available’ but ‘unemployable’ urban and rural workforce.
