By: David Meyer
(CTO and Chief Scientist at Brocade Communications)
Over the past year, I have had the great honor of serving as the chair of the Technical Steering Committee (TSC) of the OpenDaylight Project (ODP), an open-source project which is comprised of a community of incredibly talented people who are singularity focused on building an industry-standard, open-source infrastructure for software-defined networking (SDN). This infrastructure is intended to enable an SDN application ecosystem that produces new and valuable applications for both service providers and users. As I look forward to all the things we need to tackle in a second year of existence, this brief blog summarizes my key learnings from our first year.
While there was a bit of a “trial by fire” flavor to my introduction to the OpenDaylight community, the heat was quickly replaced by light, and three central ideas became clear to me.
Open-Source Means More than Just Github
The first of these ideas is that community is a key, if not the most important, component of an open-source project. More specifically, slapping an open-source license on your code and putting it up on Github (or wherever) is the most trivial part of open-source. In particular, without vibrant and growing user and developer communities, a project may nominally be open-source (again, the code has an open-source license and is up on a public repository somewhere), but in practice, the real power of open-source, namely innovation through collaboration, is lost.
I’ll just note here that this last point, innovation through collaboration, is an incredibly powerful and transformational property and is unique to the open-source development methodology.
The second key idea is that without code, you really have nothing. In particular, “code is the coin of the realm” for an open-source project. We can talk about problems, solution designs, and the like forever, but without code, we really have nothing. Good code speaks more loudly than anything else in an open source project.
The last of the three ideas is that the tool chains (and more generally engineering systems, which include things like collaboration tools) that we use are deeply integrated and part of our culture and community. They are key to our agility and productivity. In addition, development on the tool chains themselves (in parallel to development of a project’s artifacts) generates an amazing acceleration of the development process as well as facilitating deep automation. A corollary here is that “we need more code that writes code. More automation is better.
Finding a Sustainable Advantage
Now, if we step back and ask what is implied by these three observations, you begin to see an important and profound macro trend: Engineering artifacts themselves are no longer the source of sustainable advantage and/or innovation. Rather, sustainable advantage is achieved through engineering systems, organizational culture, and the people and process that comprise the community (and/or organization). Open-source community, code, and associated engineering systems are coming together in a way that is fundamentally transforming the network industry.
But there is a deeper and still more profound consequence embodied in these observations, one that is in fact turns out to be a core consequence of the open source development methodology. In particular, these trends taken together lead one to the conclusion that “what you build isn’t as important as how you build it”. And while of course engineers need to build quality artifacts that address real-world problems, this conclusion diverges radically from traditional hardware and software development and business models. Suffice it to say that this idea is at best alien to most of our industry.
Why are development methodologies and associated engineering systems (“how you build it”) more important than the resultant artifacts? The answer is surprisingly simple. It turns out that what we are seeking from modern software systems is a combination of functionality, scalability, and evolvability. (After all, these three properties are the main promises of SDN, network functions virtualization (NFV), and, for that matter, cloud). And of course any artifact needs to provide relevant functionality and scalability to be useful. So the new requirement here is evolvablity.
In any event, the open-source development methodology is ideally suited to provide these features while at the same time taking advantage of the network effect provided to a successful project’s user and developer communities.
Open-Source Attracts Diversity
Note that open-source development also fully profits from the evolutionary dynamic of variation, recombination and selection. Openness attracts a greater number and diversity of participants, increasing the likeliness of cross-fertilization of their ideas into new combinations. This strongly accelerates the variation that is necessary to produce evolutionary novelty (a.k.a. innovation). This large and diverse community moreover enhances selection, since the new ideas will be tested in many more different circumstances, thus systematically eliminating the errors and weaknesses that might not have shown in a more homogeneous environment. All of this leads to the greater flexibility, innovation, and reliability that embodies the promise of SDN, NFV, cloud, and beyond.
My time inside ODP has fundamentally transformed my views on how networks will be designed, built, deployed, and operated, as well as how they will evolve. I’m looking forward to working with the other members of the TSC and the larger OpenDaylight community to drive the project into a new, even more exciting phase of its existence.
In short, I can’t wait to see what happens next.
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