Cambium Networks Opens Global Wireless R&D Centre in Bangalore

 Cambium Network, a global leading provider of wireless broadband solutions, today announced the opening of its wireless R&D centre in Bangalore. A key facility in Cambium Networks’ global R&D network, the Bangalore centre will provide wireless research and development and local customer support for India and the Asia Pacific region. The team in Bangalore will drive innovation and add value across Cambium Networks’ entire product portfolio.

With a number of key customers in the country, including Tata Communications and Gujarat State Government, Cambium Networks’ establishment of this new R&D centre is a strategic move to service the rapidly growing Indian and Asia Pacific market. Originally part of Motorola Solutions and an independent company since 2011, Cambium Networks develops cost-effective solutions delivering broadband connectivity to underserved or under-connected communities using fixed wireless access technology over unlicensed spectrum. With the R&D centre, Cambium Networks aims to further its market penetration and repeat success in the region, from powering and expanding e-government networks to providing connectivity solutions tailored to service providers’ needs.

Speaking at the launch, Atul Bhatnagar, president and CEO, Cambium Networks, reiterating his commitment to the country, said, “With customers increasingly requiring a degree of customisation of our wireless broadband solutions, and to meet specific needs in a country as diverse as India, we see the need to be close at hand to provide customers with exactly what they require in order to successfully conduct their business. We also plan to benefit from world-class technical talent in India.”

“Cambium Networks’ technology makes it simple and cost effective to deliver fast, high- capacity broadband services over difficult terrain to remote locations. It has enabled us to provide enterprise-class VPN services to small and medium-sized firms across India in areas where connectivity was previously limited,” said Ramesh Sathyanarayana, managing director, D-VoiS Broadband Pvt Ltd. “We’re delighted that Cambium Networks has decided to further invest in our home market by bringing us real-time access to local R&D resources and customer support.”

In October 2013, Cambium Networks launched ePMPTM, a revolutionary wireless access platform for connecting underserved and unconnected global communities. Built on a legacy of field-proven reliability, ePMP is the gold standard for powerful and secure yet affordable wireless broadband communications.

With the launch of the Facebook-spearheaded and Google’s Project Loon, offering Internet connectivity to the remaining two-thirds of the world’s population is on the minds of many technology companies. Current research from the UN Broadband Commission is pessimistic about hitting the target of 60 percent Internet penetration worldwide by 2015, a corollary to meeting Millennium Development Goal #8: Develop a Global Partnership for Development. According to the Commission, at current rates penetration will be 45 percent by the end of 2015, leaving 3.96 billion without Internet connectivity.

A major step in meeting this goal is engineering the ideal wireless broadband hardware for use in developing communities’ networks.  Cambium Networks has addressed this need with its ePMP platform, and the Bangalore R&D centre will ensure that the company continues to rise to the challenge of delivering high-speed, low-latency Internet connectivity across the globe.

In 2013, Cambium Networks also launched new solutions in its PTP and PMP portfolios.  The PMP 450 wireless broadband access solution is a modular design and can support up to 1 Gbps of usable throughput from a single tower location. The PTP 650 is a point-to-point wireless backhaul solution that delivers 450 Mbps in aggregate throughput and operates in frequencies from 4.9 to 6.05 GHz.
