Directorate of Information Technology (DIT), Government of Maharashtra (GoM) in association with National Security Database, has planned to organize a "Cyber Safety Essentials" program to be launched today on November 26, 2013. This has been planned especially with an intention to introduce much needed awareness amongst the citizens of the state to enable circumvent the occurrence of the security incidents in the current cyber era. The program is planned to be rolled out in two phases. In the first phase, DIT plans to inculcate awareness amongst its Core eGovernance implementation group which in turn in the second phase, would work on making the citizens of the state aware of different aspects of Cyber Safety Essentials. This program will help to generate necessary awareness about various cyber security aspects related to safely carrying out various activities on internet such as online payments, emails, social media interactions like Facebook, Twitter, etc.
In line with the above plan, all eDistrict Project Managers, MahaOnline Staff, Village Level Entrepreneurs and District co-ordinators have been targeted to be covered under the program via MahaOnline, wherein, first 500 candidates would be offered the course free of charge.
Details of the course can be found on
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