Anand Sharma meets Ireland's Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation

Anand Sharma, Minister of Commerce & Industry, Government of India met Minister Richard Bruton TD, Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation, Ireland during his visit to India. The two Ministers held talks on trade and commercial ties between the two countries and the deepening Indian-Ireland relationship as well as the EU- India FTA negotiations and other issues on international trade. They agreed to work together to further improve bilateral trade and commercial links.

·         No. of days the Minister is in India – 5 days (17th November to 21st November)

·         Names of the people in the Minister’s delegation

o   More than 42 companies and Universities are in the delegation

o   25 Irish Technology and International Service Companies and 17 Higher Education Institutes and Universities

o   Brian Conroy, Director, Asia Pacific, IDA Ireland and Terence O’Rourke, Chairman, Enterprise Ireland are also a part of the delegation

·         Irish companies that have come to India with the Minister- 25 companies have come to India with the Minister. Companies such as TaxBack Group, PM Group, etc. along with several others

·         No. of Indian companies in Ireland – There are 12 to 15 Indian companies in Ireland. The Minister announced that IDA Ireland, Ireland’s government agency responsible for inward FDI has secured two Indian business wins this year in the form of home-grown Bangalore based companies- Aditi Technologies, a cloud computing technology services company and Synowledge, a global provider of drug safety, regulatory affairs, biometrics, clinical, and IT related solutions. They also have a healthy pipeline with a few more Indian companies across various sectors including financial services and medical devices are joining in early next year.
