Komli Media Raises $30 Million

Komli Media, a digital media technology platform, announced that it has raised $30 million from new investor Peepul Capital. Existing investors, Norwest Venture Partners, Nexus Venture Partners, Helion Venture Partners and Draper Fisher Jurvetson also participated in the funding. The company has raised funds to further invest in its key technology platforms and to strengthen its presence through integrated go to market solutions across the Asia Pacific (APAC) region.

"As digital advertising grows in a fast and fragmented manner, it has become critical for the industry to focus on delivering integrated solutions across social, mobile, display and video," said Prashant Mehta, Chief Executive Officer, Komli Media. "We have already seen strong adoption of our integrated solution along with algorithmic trading. With the increased funding, we plan to deepen our focus on innovative technologies, such as real time bidding (RTB), to deliver significantly greater value to our customers." 

Komli Media has built market-leading technologies such as Remarketing on its proprietary ATOM platform that has scaled across regions by delivering strong ROI metrics in display, social and mobile. The Company recently integrated ATOM into Facebook's RTB (Real-Time-bidding) platform - Facebook Exchange (FBX), making it one of the first adopters in the region. 

"We believe that India and South East Asia are at an inflection point in embracing digital advertising. Komli is a leading player in these key markets and with its technology platform, wide product suite and exceptional leadership team, the company should consolidate its current position even further," said Venkat Shankar, Investment Director, Peepul Capital.

"Komli's success story is demonstrated by a CAGR of 200% achieved over the past three years driven by innovative platforms coupled with aggressive organic and inorganic investments. With this round of funding, we expect to further capitalize on the massive market opportunity and also accelerate our growth," said, Rakesh Malani, Chief Financial Officer, Komli Media. 

Avendus Capital was the leading financial advisor to Komli Media on this transaction.
